(更新香港時間)Microsoft將會網上直播Windows Phone 8發佈會

於下午07:33 2012-10-25 由 編寫

Microsoft 今天公佈他們將會在網上直播在三藩市上舉行的Windows Phone發佈會。

As many of you know, we are landing in San Francisco on Monday October 29th to showcase some new things from Windows Phone. For those that can’t join us in person, no need to worry! You can tune into a live webcast here, all from the comfort of your couch, cubicle or coffee table. We hope you can join us, see you on the 29th!


直播網站:Windows Phone Newsroom

資料來源: Windows Phone blog via WMPowerUser


  1. Jacky
    2012 年 10 月 25 日 @ 9:10 下午



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