新版Xbox Companion App 將於明日發佈

於下午09:48 2011-12-5 由 編寫

有留意本站的讀者,相信都知道Xbox和Windows Phone將會加強互動功能,而適逢微軟計劃於明天推出全新的Xbox 360用戶介面,微軟亦會在同一天為各位的Windows Phone手機提供新的Xbox配套軟件(Xbox Companion App)。


This Xbox Companion app will have some cool new features to use with your Xbox 360 including:

Xbox Companion search powered by Bing. Search the unified Xbox catalog for movies, TV shows, music, games and apps using the Windows phone. View a detailed unified results page across all content providers. You can see recently played games and apps and browse the Zune video catalog

Using the Xbox Companion app you can learn more details about the movie, TV show, music or game that is playing on your console. You can also get friend activity (friends online, friends with beacons, friends who have recently played), achievements and related items. You’ll also be able to select a search result, and launch a movie, TV show, game or app on the connected console as well as play, pause, fw, rw the playing video or music on the connected Xbox,initiate media purchase and navigate your Xbox console with Windows Phone using the Xbox Companion.

從官方的描述可見,本app除了現有功能之外,還可以透過使用Bing搜尋引擎搜尋Xbox的資料庫,甚至可以利用Windows Phone啟動Xbox的功能。雖然相信香港地區關係而未能支援電影或音樂等資料,但相信仍支援Xbox 360遊戲的搜尋,希望這是Xbox和Windwos Phone更深度整合的開始吧!



  1. me
    2011 年 12 月 05 日 @ 10:49 下午

    香港有冇得用 lol 希望唔係又 “us only”

    • 文森
      2011 年 12 月 06 日 @ 1:05 上午



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