Microsoft’s Surface Touch Cover 會否外內兼備?

於下午09:49 2012-7-5 由 編寫

相信看到上圖, 大家會覺得上個月微軟發佈 Surface之後, 有不少目光都被其週邊產品 Touch Cover/Type Cover 所吸引住。事實上, 其結合實用與保護作用的同時, 更不失個性化的多變色彩, 不少傳媒都對這個新穎設計的保護蓋好評不絕。當然大家可能會問這般輕薄的輕觸式鍵盤又是否好使好用? 外國就有分析師有機會分享他的 Touch Cover試用後感:

At the meeting with MSFT Windows execs, we were able to try the Surface touch keyboard (we weren’t at LA launch) and also use it conjunction with new Office (RT- version). All works well. The keyboard is responsive and natural (same size as laptop keyboard), with only downside being there is only slight raised delineation between keys, meaning you have to look at your fingers while you type. With short words, we were able to type accurately, although longer words were more error-prone.

這位花旗集團的分析師 Walter Pritchard 有幸跟微軟高層開會時, 接觸到這款最新的 Surface RT版平板電腦和 Touch Cover 鍵盤。他稱讚這款鍵盤的觸感反應十分良好, 而且尺寸也做的相當自然。而他覺得唯一的弱點就是鍵與鍵之間的間隙感不太明顯, 所以在打較長的字詞時, 會有機會用眼去確認手指於鍵盤上的位置, 否則會有打錯字的機會。

當然以上都是一位分析師的個人觀點, 而且他當時也只有測試非實體鍵的 Touch Cover, 小編相信如果他測試實體鍵的 Type Cover的話, 一定又會有不一樣的體驗!


資料來源: thenextweb via wpdang


  1. bb
    2012 年 07 月 06 日 @ 8:09 上午

    Just worry the price on type cover. Making me down if over 250USD/pc



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