第一代Windows Phone將不會支援Wifi Tethering

於上午11:30 2011-9-28 由 編寫

各位使用第一代Windows Phone的用家,包括小編在內,可能要徹底失望了!根據官方的Windows Phone Blog,Internet Sharing (即我們一定所談及的Wifi Tethering),將因為硬件未有支援把網絡連線進行廣播,所以即使在更新Mango後,也不會支援Wifi Tethering!原文如下︰

First up is Internet Sharing, which you might know better as “tethering”. Starting today our hardware partners and mobile operators have the option to let you use your phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot so you can stay connected anywhere there’s a data connection. If this feature is enabled on your phone and by your carrier, you’ll see an additional “Internet Sharing” item under Settings. It’s pretty cool stuff and a feature that I’m really looking forward to using – I spend a LOT of time on the road and I hate it when I’m not connected, so this is a great option for me. And since Internet sharing lets you connect up to 5 devices at a time, I’ll be able to keep all of the PCs I travel with online when I’m on the go. I should note that this feature will only be available on new Windows Phones that have radios capable of broadcasting a connection; if you update your existing phone to 7.5, it won’t give it the ability to use Internet Sharing. (Although it would be cool if it did, right?)

可是,早前我們網站曾經報導,有用户的Samsung Focus具備了Wifi Tethering的能力,那究竟是怎麼一回事呢?會否是個別第一代Windows Phone將支援Wifi Tethering?還是微軟會一刀切地把所有第一代Windows Phone的這項功能一起取消呢?

感謝讀者Mac Lee報料!


資料來源︰Windows Phone Blog




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