
於上午12:45 2013-4-10 由 編寫

累各位等了又等的第三方Instagram app Instagraph,終於確認在今日內正式上架,留意的是,開發的意大利開發小組Venetasoft亦公佈了Instagraph是收費Apps,定價港幣$20元,並不設試用版本,用以補貼其專為Instagraph而設的伺服器的開支費用。在避免伺服器負擔過重,阻礙各位的上載相片速度,各位暫時每日會被限制最多可上載三張相片,而隨著往後伺服器的增加,相片的限制會慢慢的放寬。在流於傳聞的官方Instagram app未登場之時,Instagraph很可能是各位想上載相片到Instagram的最佳途徑,加上保證日後會加入註冊功能,即將各位未必願意購買,但Venetasoft嘗試為Windows Phone用家掃除障礙的努力都值得各位高興。

雖然之前Instagraph的資訊都集中在Windows Phone 8身上,但若你是Windows Phone 7系的用家,這也可能是好消息︰Venetasoft有計劃為Windows Phone 7系手機提供獨立版本,事實上,其版本接近完成開發,待完成之後,就會送往Microsoft等待審查階段。



Why it is not official Instagram?

  • Well, we cannot do anything about it
  • We asked them to release a WP version, as we are WP users and enthusiasts too, then we asked for the complete API set, but without success, so we felt abandoned and started working on Instagraph.

Why is it not possible to create a new Instagram via Instagraph ?

  • Instagram accounts can only be created directly from iOS and Android devices currently, due to Instagram access restrictions.
  • The next Instagraph update adds this feature for WP devices.

Why is it not possible to see post or comment ?

  • Instagraph in its first releases will only cover important features missing from other Instagram Apps. You can use other beautiful Apps such as WPGram and Metrogram for this, or even the web browser. Once installed, Instagraph is integrated into the “share” and “edit” menus, so it is super easy to share pictures from other sources or Apps too.

Will a WP7 version be available?

  • Yes, and a WinRT version is en-route too

Does Instagraph use Instagram API?

  • No.
  • We don’t spoof, sniff, alter or “hack” Instagram calls to their web services in any way.
  • Nor have we emulated, reverse engineered, disassembled or altered any Instagram App on iOS or on Android.
  • Instagraph is completely compliant with Instagram terms and policies, as we did it legally.

Why do we need to enter username and password on settings page, and not on classic oath web page?

  •  Instagraph does not use Instagram API,so direct Oath authentication is not needed.

Is privacy preserved?

  • Your data is HTTPS encrypted, all network communications between apps and services are SSL secured.
  • We delete an image immediately after being successfully submitted to Instagram.

Have you been helped/supported/funded by Microsoft or Nokia to build this App?

  • No, Microsoft only certified it to prove Instagraph is legal, secure, and it does not violate your privacy.




  1. Thomas
    2013 年 04 月 10 日 @ 9:36 上午




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