在Mango中同步Google Calendars中的多個日歷

於下午03:47 2011-7-9 由 編寫

Wonder Reader之前發佈了一個同步Google Calendars中多個日歷的方法。而係Mango中已經原生可以同步多個Windows Live Calendars,但點解Google的就要用其他方法呢..原因係:

So what’s going on here? As it turns out, Mango is perfectly capable of syncing multiple calendars from Google (as it is from any Exchange server). It’s just that, by default, Google only syncs your primary calendar with your device. On other mobile OS’s like iOS, Google allows you to select additional secondary or subscribed calendars to sync. The problem is that Google doesn’t allow Windows Phones to access this functionality. Are they doing this on purpose? Is it a conspiracy? I have no idea (but I really don’t think so).

就好似Google唔比WP機拎Youtube的資料一樣,所以WP7中的原廠Youtube App咁弱。而方法可以去睇呢到睇:Wonder Reader






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