Windows Phone Developer Blog 向開發者提供貼士!

於下午04:25 2013-2-16 由 編寫

Windows Phone 的市集上有不少的應用,但大家可見,有些apps 是有很多人下載而有好評; 有些卻像是無人問津。相信一個成功的 app不只是單單靠運氣,一些技巧亦都需要注意的。

Windows Phone Developer Blog 公布了一些小貼士給 Windows Phone 的程式開發者, 小編希望可以幫到在座各位開發者,開發出吸引的 apps!

1. App tile image
The appearance of your app icon or tile plays a significant role in how your app is perceived by customers. Building an attractive tile is one of the best ways to draw attention to your app and entice customers to explore your product.

Apps 的 Logo (Live Tile) 設計是吸引用家注意的重要因素,一個吸引的 logo是能夠吸引到大家去探索你的apps。

2. App display name
The name of your app is another important factor in its appeal to customers. Your app name represents what your app is all about; it gives new customers a preview of the experience and provides a way for existing customers to recommend it to others.

App 的名字亦都是一個吸引用家的因素,apps的名字正代表該app 的內容,所以它於 Marketplace 告訴用家其大概的體驗,而好的名字可以給用家推薦給其他人下載!

3. App description
The description is your chance to sell your app by fulfilling the customer need. A customer found your app intriguing and decided to click—now it’s your opportunity to persuade them to install it.
最後一個吸引人下載或購買的因素便是 apps的簡介,因為簡介是一個良機向用家宣傳,希望他會下載。當人們閱讀完簡介後,覺得你的 app夠吸引和可以滿足其需要,就有很大機會會下載!

希望以上 tips能幫到大家,有關全文 (英文) 及例子可在以下連結閱讀:

來源:   Windows Phone Developer Blog  via WMPoweruser


  1. wpsuck
    2013 年 02 月 17 日 @ 6:34 下午

    真后悔买了wp,超垃圾 a piece of shit!

  2. kh
    2013 年 02 月 19 日 @ 8:35 下午

    who doesnt know?….


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